How to Wear a Hat with Dreads

Wearing a hat with dreads can be a stylish and practical choice, but it can also be a bit tricky. How to wear a hat with dreads is something many dread enthusiasts find themselves asking. If you have dreadlocks and want to rock a hat, here are some tips to help you pull it off with confidence.

how to wear hat with dreadlocks

Fit is Key When Wearing a Hat with Dreads

First and foremost, it’s important to choose a hat that fits well. If the hat is too tight, it can cause discomfort and even damage your dreads. On the other hand, if the hat is too loose, it might not stay in place, which can be frustrating. To find a hat that fits just right, measure your head using a tape measure and compare the measurement to the size chart provided by the hat manufacturer. Keep in mind that different brands and styles of hats may fit differently, so it’s always a good idea to try on a hat before purchasing it.

Consider the Type of Hat to Wear with Dreads

Next, consider the type of hat you want to wear. There are many different styles of hats to choose from, and each one has its own unique look and feel. Some popular options for dreads include baseball caps, beanies, fedoras, and cowboy hats. Each of these styles offers a different level of coverage and can be paired with different types of outfits. For example, a baseball cap might be more casual and laid-back, while a fedora could be dressed up for a more formal occasion.

Style Tips for Wearing a Hat with Dreads

Once you’ve chosen a hat that fits well and suits your style, it’s time to think about how to wear it with your dreads. Here are a few options to consider:

  1. Tuck your dreads into the hat One simple way to wear a hat with dreads is to tuck your dreads into the hat. This can help keep your dreads out of your face and prevent them from getting tangled in the hat. To do this, simply pull your dreads back and tuck them into the hat, making sure they are evenly distributed around your head.
  2. Use a hair tie or headband Another option is to use a hair tie or headband to keep your dreads in place before putting on the hat. This can help prevent your dreads from getting tangled or pulled by the hat, and it can also create a more polished look.
  3. Use a ponytail or bun If you have long dreads, you might want to consider pulling them back into a ponytail or bun before wearing a hat. This can help keep your dreads out of the way and make it easier to put on and take off the hat.
  4. Braid your dreads Braiding your dreads can also be a good option for wearing a hat. This can help keep your dreads in place and prevent them from getting tangled in the hat. Plus, braided dreads can look really stylish and add a unique twist to your look.

What to Avoid When Wearing a Hat with Dreads

In addition to these tips, here are a few general considerations to keep in mind when wearing a hat with dreads:

  • Avoid hats with stiff brims: Stiff brims can be hard on dreads and may cause breakage. Instead, opt for hats with softer, more flexible brims that won’t put too much pressure on your dreads.
  • Be gentle when putting on and taking off the hat: Dreads are prone to tangles and knots, so be gentle when putting on and taking off your hat to prevent damage.
  • Use products to protect your dreads: If you’re worried about your dreads getting damaged by your hat, consider using a leave-in conditioner or other hair product to help protect them.
  • Experiment with different styles: Don’t be afraid to try out different styles of hats and different ways of wearing them to find what